Live Webinars

SAP S/4HANA Transformation: Your perfect jump to digitalization

Products SAP: SAP S/4HANA Transformation, SAP S/4HANA Cloud, SAP S/4HANA & ERP
Processes: IT, Quality Management, Intralogistics, Warehouse control, Manufacturing, Sales, Data Management, Finance & Controlling

Duration of webinar: approx. 45 minutes

Switching to SAP S/4HANA is currently unavoidable in the long term and necessary to keep your company up to date in the course of digitalization. Strong added value and positive changes, such as a simplified model of the SAP HANA database that enables real-time access to your data, simple operation and much more, guarantee you a secure digital future.

This also includes the current topics of RISE with SAP and GROW with SAP, which can be an important component when it comes to migrating to SAP S/4HANA.

Our experts will show you what else the SAP S/4HANA transformation can do for your company and how you can make the perfect leap into digitalization.

Don't hesitate too long and register for our free webinars!

You can look forward to the following content

Added value

SAP S/4HANA Transformation: Added value and changes with SAP S/4HANA.


RISE with SAP and GROW with SAP- A current overview


Successful SAP S/4HANA transformation using the customer example of an ORBIS Lean Conversion


Speaker & presenters

Christian Lai, ORBIS SE



Christian Lai

Senior Account Manager SAP, ORBIS SE

Andreas Müller, ORBIS SE



Andreas Müller

Competence Center Manager SAP CC PLM/PS, ORBIS SE

Tel.: +1 (703) 734-6494 (0)